Mental Health Recommendations

Usually mental health meetings recommend authorities and population to follow their activities up . Unfortunately many of these Recommendations remain unfulfilled . We thought that remembering these Recommendations once more may make sense. 
(Psychiatric department . Mashhad University of Medical Sciences )


  1. To carry out activities to prevent psychiatric disease is not limited to psychiatrists and psychologists. All members of the society should know the shortage as well as the ways to overcome them through instituting societies for Mental Health. Through holding education about public health for public, the people should learn about the ways here to prevent them.
    In this respect, the Islamic scientists, teachers , medical staff and Mass Media play a significant role.

  2. The Islamic Teachings can be considered as cure for prevention of psychiatric reactive manifestations learning them and attempting to carry them out , to a great degree will have fruitful results.

  3. It is quite necessary to teach the principles of Mental Health in universities ,religious centers and Teachers Training Colleges.

  4. The psychiatrists should study the social aspects of psychiatric diseases as well as the effective causes and teach the public through Mass Media.

  5. Teaching methodology and epidemiology should be done practically, so that the graduated students will be able to take necessary action. Teaching the epidemiology courses for all general practitioners and all other medical branches is highly recommended.

  6. In order to prevent congenital diseases, counseling centers for the congenital diseases should be instituted and be used before marriage. The hygienic principles should be maintained through pregnancy.
    Teaching the process of growth of the fetus and the ways how to remove the pain through delivery can remarkable decrease the psychiatric manifestations.

  7. Paying due to attention to child psychology and his mental health is quite necessary. The parents should be taught to care about their behavior and provide a friendly atmosphere at home as well as watching his general conditions.
    The teachers should know enough about these principles and employ them to flourish the latent faculties of the students, using all possibilities and facilities along with having small-sized classes are of the highest priorities. Teachers and hygiene supervisors should be responsible to find out the psychiatric cases among the children.

  8. Considering the vast dimensions of Mental Health all factors contributing the mental security should be studied. The economic situation of the families and unemployment are quite important.
    It is recommended to strengthen vocational centers and technical schools for preparing youth for finding jobs and gaining efficiency.

  9. Due to the vast area of Mental Health, the high council of mental health should be founded in ministry of health by the cooperation of the representatives of Medical Faculties, as well as the psychiatric society. It should hold responsible for programming and supervision.

  10. It is highly recommended to found medical catchments areas in each city and province to be supervised by the pertinent medical centers. The Khorasan Medical Psychiatric Staff who have contributed to these recommendations declare their readiness to fulfill this plan.

  11. Psychiatric centers should be made through all provinces to hold responsible for treatment, training , prevention and psychiatric research. Today, hospitals and mental health centers with a capacity of three times of in-patients should be founded.

    The psychiatric staff should do preventive and mental health activities partly and cooperate with mental health units of the schools and that of health ministry. Planning and supervision should be done by the mental health council of each province.

  12. Psychiatric counseling centers should be added to medical centers, and the psychiatrists should work there with a collaboration of the psychologists and social workers. If there is no access to psychiatrists, the general practitioners , through refreshment psychiatric courses can also work in these centers so more education of mental health is recommended. The curriculum suggested by “ The center for cultural revolution “ regarding the increase of psychiatric and psychological material within the courses of the schools of medicine is appreciated.

  13. Paying due to attention to the prevention of the infectious disease will notably help to the state of mental health and prevention of mental disorders. Due action should be taken as for public health along with mental health.
    The publication of books about sanitary as well as mental health will be great help for the prevention of the factors causing diseases.

  14. Payment of pension to the families whose heads are disabled due to physical or mental disorders should be made, as a welfare right.

  15. In order to prevent crowdedness in psychiatric centers , it’s recommended that some facilities should be maintained for the chronic psychiatric patients whose families consent to take care of them at home. If there by any financial need , that should be satisfied.

  16. Along with comparing against addiction which is being satisfied by the high council of health, it is considered as necessary that the observers through Mass Media , notify the public about addiction as a fatal chemical war imposed by the enemies of the revolution on our masses. The public should learn about its individual and social disadvantages.

  17. In order to provoke more mobilization in mental health activities and drawing the public attention to it , a special week is recommended to be entitled as the Mental Health Week.
    As prophet Mohammad (PBUH) says: “I’ve been appointed to complete nice behavior. “, the mentioned suggestion may start from 27 Rajab , i.e. the day in which his appointment occur.


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