Divine psychology & ethics

S. A. Hosseini,

Prof. of psychiatry

Mashhad University of Medical Sciences

Introducing Divine (Islamic) School of Psychology as the Basis of Morality & Medical Ethics
Divine(Islamic) school of psychology means “human psychology as it is”. This approach has been elicited  from the  definition of scientific approach, by the prophet of Islam(P.B.U.H), which says in a prayer setting: “show us things, as they are”.


Every science is responsible to study its field as it is, and to discover the relations between their components. The definition of psychology is the same, and our aim from Divine (Islamic) school of psychology, is “realistic school of psychology”.
Divine(Islamic) school of psychology, supports the theory of “vitalism”, which believes  in the existence of a non-chemical agent, named “psyche” in humans & other live creatures .

Late Imam Khomeini, confirms this agent, on the basis of “self-consciousness” in humans and in animals as well.
According to this school, there are two different and opposite psychic processes in operation, namely conscience and passion which are inherent and not acquired. These two processes can be strengthen or be weakened  according to the individual experiences and these two processes are always in conflict. Passion is quite unconscious and its goal is to fulfill instinctual needs and to reach to pleasure.

Conscience is a  conscious process and it works like a judge wherein its judgments  is accepted by others. Duties and responsibilities have been put on the existence of conscience.

Dynamism of  conscience can be achieved merely by using Divine Laws; and In this case, conscience will be calm. The procedure of controlling passion by strengthening the conscience, has been named as “self-control” in Islamic  instructions. Ali (PBUH) introduces the self-control  as the basis of morality. As the medical Ethics is a branch of morality, this approach can be used in this field too.

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