The Divine System And its Role in Programming Individual and Social Well-being
M.B. Hekmatnia
Keywords : Divine, system, programming, well-being, programming.
The Divine System is that which refers to God and includes all true believers in God from the beginning of Creation to Eternity. It includes all aspects of the political, social, and fiscal affairs of this group. It is a discipline which shows God’s volition. Its goal is to reach ultimate development and utilize all God-given facilities in this trend.
Members of this system are as the organs of the human body which function cooperatively in competent unison throughout the difficulties of life. This power lays the way for Divine authority all over the world and presents laws for removing negative factors in order to facilitate the development of mankind. All humans who are not a part of this system are considered as belonging to the non-Divine system.
The destiny of humans is related to the Divine or non-Divine system in which they follow, and fate is really due to the system he chose himself. Preeminence, the destiny of the Divine System, is reached through development and God’s favor. On the other hand, kismet of the follower of the non-Divine system, is a plunge into the depths of Hell. The criteria for a successful or unsuccessful life is related to the person’s own succession of actions according to his aim in life.
As the goal of creation is to gain development and God’s favors, one who has faithfully followed this trend is successful, but one who has avoided this path has failed. In this respect Imam Ali (PBUH) said that one’s richness or impoverishment can be considered after final evaluation by God. The 104th Chapter of the Qur’an, too, elaborates upon this subject. All members of this system behave according to their duties to God, and to gain his favor, but the members of the non-Divine system create even more distance between themselves and God by behaving in accordance to their own passions to gain more pleasure.
The quarterly journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health
Volume : 1
Year : 2000, Autumn