vocational Burnout

Vocational Burnout
Dr. S.A. Hosseini , M.D.

Part One : Vocational Burnout in Health Workers and Its Preventive Methods

Vocational burnout has been studied extensively during recent years.
Emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a reduced feeling of personal accomplishment are the main clinical features in this syndrome.


It has been claimed that it affects up to 40% of doctors and others health workers at a level sufficient to affect their personal well being or professional performance. W.H.O. has documented a well established article on this subject in its publication “Primary Prevention of Mental, Neurological and Psychological Disorders”.

This paper is a Persian translation of this article, with other data have been added from Online.



The quarterly journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health
Volume : 1
Year : 2000, Summer


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